- All
- Box
- Eggs
- Book ends
- Pyramid
- Trays
- Cheese platters
- Coasters
- Serving Bowls
- Small Bowls
- Canisters
- pots n vases
- Decorative Bowls
- Candle stand
What can be more beautiful than a piece of our gemstone or precious stone fitting into your library of accessory which you will love to flaunt to your guests. Not only these elements are statement pieces when kept around selected places they will help you create a wonderful ambiance. It’s not unknown to anyone that the gemstones carries magical powers that and used in a lot of healing purpose. So chose the one that you may like and put it in the right corner of your bedroom, living room, Buffet area and create the right mood.
We offer accessory in most stone in an assortment of eggs, boxes, trays, pyramids, lamps, etc. Feel free to ask for a custom request and we will be happy to come back to you with possibility. happy surfing…..